Flexible Benefits
With up to five distinct generations currently in the workforce, the traditional ‘one plan for everyone’ approach rarely meets the diverse wants and needs of all employees.
Flexible Benefit Programs have historically been offered only by very large employers, due to their cost and administration requirements. However, with advancements in technology, flexible benefit programs are now accessible to companies of almost all sizes.
We provide tailored flexible benefit solutions, within the desired budget, for our clients with as few as three employees:
- Cafeteria flexible benefit program: choice is available within each mandatory and voluntary line of benefit
- Modular flexible benefit program: Gold, Silver, Bronze packaged options
- Health Care Spending Account: annual pre-defined employer dollars reimburse CRA eligible expenses over and above the group benefits plan
- Personal Spending Account: a taxable Spending Account for pre-determined expenses to promote healthier lifestyles, such as a gym membership
- Optional Benefits available to employees, spouses and children: Optional Life, Optional AD&D, and/or Optional Critical Illness
- Optional Benefit ‘campaigns’: offer little or no medical evidence requirements, include customized promotion, and provide easy enrollment.
When benefit choice is available to members, plan administration is efficient, on-line member enrollment election is easy, and claim reimbursement prompt, the value of the benefit plan is optimized for both employee and employer contribution, and you become an employer of choice.